Sunday, March 13, 2022

KNZ 7474 / 21 File reference number with Public Protector needs exposure


The 4u2fish campaign has lodged a complaint with the public protector alledging that our collective and traditional economic rights have been violated by the iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority, in terms of section 24 (b) III of the South African constitution.

The public protector has responded giving us a file refferance number, KZN 7474 / 21 , and asking for more clarity on the matter. The Public Protector also wants us to supply dates, names and places. This is impossible, coz there is no one single event that can be pointed out. 

So firstly we need to list section 24 of the constitution. Then unpack that, expanding the INTENT of section 24 (b) iii .  I have blogged  about  this during the time when we were fighting the socalled 4x4 ban.

 This is not as clear cut as we would like, and the main confusion issue comes to light when one talks of the world heritage site status of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park.  Access rights and consumption rights as well as sales rights of natural renewable resources.  And that is the vore of our complaint, that we do not have access rights or sales rghts to the renewable natural resources within the iSimagaliso Wetland Park. This is a complicated story with many strange twists and turns within the different role players game plans. 

Do this is gonna get interesting ...

More on the #7474dash21 campaign soon. 


Thursday, March 10, 2022

the 7474dash21 enters the fundraising arena

The 7474dash21 campaign is all about fundraising for our constitutional battle to restore our economic rights associated with, and tied to our  environmental tights. We lodged an appeal with the PUBLIC Protector to investigate  the violation of these rights, and our file number with the public protectors investigation team is KZN 7474 / 21 

we will need a hashtag and related social media issues when we start marketing our requests for donations and related issues. we have thus opted to use the hashtag 7474dash21 .

We will be registering as an NPO in the very near future. once that has been done we will publish the details here first.

 We are alleging that the IWPA has violated our economic rights in terms of section 24 (b) iii  of the South African constitution.  we have asked the public protector to investigate and take actions against the iSimangaliso wetland park authority,

KNZ 7474 / 21 File reference number with Public Protector needs exposure

  The 4u2fish campaign has lodged a complaint with the public protector alledging that our collective and traditional economic rights have b...